About Us

Hi! I'm Matthew Jones, the (disputed) brain power behind McJonesTech.

I started my tech adventures back in 2017, when I decided to start tearing apart NES consoles to refurbish and resell. I learned many valuable things during my time researching and procuring devices for this project: I'm a packrat that can't sell things, and oh boy, do I love old tech.

I started working in the Geek Squad at Best Buy in 2020, and shifted my focus onto PC repair in my spare time. I decided to try to make money by operating as traveling technology repair until late 2022.

In 2023, I chose to abandon the route of trying to sell services of repair in my area (which were wildly unsuccessful), quit my job at Geek Squad, and chose to focus on my own projects. That's where McJonesTech comes in. I operate under the pseudonym, because that's pretty much what the whole point of this endeavor is: McJones (me) working on Tech. Clever, right?

I absolutely adore working on older technology. I think it's fascinating how far we have progressed computationally-speaking in the last decade alone. But, as we keep moving forward, the building block machines of the past get left behind. My entire purpose is preservation of the systems that assisted in bringing us to where we are now. My primary focus at the current moment is personal computer repair and refurbishment, but I also still very much enjoy video game console repair. I also perform something I call "Computational Masochism", which is the random projects I come up with once in awhile that serve no purpose outside of giggles.

Professionally and educationally, I am currently attending college for Cybersecurity, and work do large scale project management in the Information Systems department at the local hospital in my area. If you are reaching out to me about anything regarding this information, please fill out my contact form and I can send along a copy of my resume.

Outside of technology, I am a huge fan of nature. I have a passion for going to state and national parks and just sitting and absorbing fresh air and views. My favorite park I have been to is Cataract Falls in Indiana, with a close second being Turkey Run State Park in Northern Indiana.

Thank you for viewing McJonesTech!

Matthew Jones, April 2024